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Georgia OKeeffe1

Georgia O’Keeffe was an artist of world renown but a person of mysterious She lived a unique life which was not accepted as moral by most people. Shesurrounded herself with artistic, creative minds and carefully selected her friends andconfidants. Events in her youth influenced her actions and artwork for almost 100 years. O’Keeffe moved about the country, a lover of travel who never was satiated. She camefrom an eccentric family with mixed ethnic heritage, and the women around her werestrong and self- confident. Her life was an epic tale, worthy of retelling. On November 15, 1887, Georgia was second born of seven children to Ida andFrancis O’Keeffe. Living in rural Wisconsin, her father came from a typical Irish Catholicmatriarchy, where mother’s word was final. Ida O’Keeffe was an ambitious woman“whose dream of becoming a doctor was laid to her marriage to the tenant a loveless union (Hogrefe 13).” Perhaps it was the stifling of her ambition thatled Ida to treat Georgia so badly. As a young girl, the artist was described as precocious,mentally mature, and “queen of the castle“, whether it be in relation to her siblings orfellow students in the studio. Either way, her mother was generally a cold person whooffered little affection to her oldest daughter, even going so far as to lock her in the backroom, alone, when company came. Thus, Georgia turned to a close relationship with herfather. The family knew that Georgia was Frank’s favorite, and he took her on excursionsand gave her special privileges. All this came with consequences, though. It is a widely accepted fact that she wassexually abused by her father, older brother, or both, which accounts for many ofO’Keeffe’s “unorthodox” behaviors throughout her life. For example, in boarding schoolshe was known to kiss and touch her female classmates frequently. ...

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