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El Greco

The Agony In the Garden, a mannerist style of art by EL Greco, proclaims a sense of spiritual power of religious faith which accomplishes El Grecos aim to move his El Greco was born on the island of Crete and lived from 1541 to 1614. Herepresented the most characteristic figure of Spanish Mannerism. El Greco wasinfluenced by and became acquainted with the art of Titian and Jacopo Bassano in Venicewhere he studied in 1566. In addition to visiting Italy, El Greco made his way to Rome,Parma and probably Florence. On his travels he became more familiar with the work ofParmigianino and the work of Correggio. In El Grecos use of form can be seenFlorentine Mannerism. Venetian Mannerism can be seen in the peculiar brilliance of hiscoloring. The plans for the construction of the Escurial and the discussion of works of artbeing selected by Philip II, probably attracted El Greco to Spain. However, El Grecofailed to satisfy the Italianate tastes of the King. He lived virtually uninterruptedly inToledo from 1575 on. In Toledo he formed friendships with men of advanced beliefs andhumanist interests. The monastic, from which his prime commitment came, were glad todecorate their churches and cloisters with his elevated visionary paintings. El Grecopaintings bordered on a supernatural world of creative fantasy. Most of his paintingssurvive in a number of copies painted in his own hand. El Grecos studio whichemployed a large number of assistants also produced many contrasts of his works. People were very curious about his paintings with their unusual setting and flickeringimpressiveness.In The Agony In The Garden there are two planes displayed in the art work thatare disconnected by a few bare branches that contain fugitive leaves. The upper planeconsists of the vision of Christ set against a large rock with a few trees. Christ is kneelingin a reddish-purple robe, with hands stretched out toward the ground. He turns towardthe floating a...

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