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Egyptian temple

When talking about the basic type of Egyptian temple, it is all about heavy columns, walls, pylons, big courts, and the use of axis, symmetrically and made of stones or mud bricks. The plan of the Egyptian temple is rectangular, symmetrical and set on the longitudual axis approaching through courts and halls. Each court is being bigger than each oneOne of the famous Egyptian temple is the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. It is built by her vizier Senenmut about 1478-1458 B.C. in the new kingdom period(1500-1145 B.C.). It is a funerary temple which is dedicated to Amun and other deities. The structure of this outstanding temple is quite different from the pyramids, a which is built in Egypt during the old kingdom. The columns of the Hatshepsut temple are free-standing rather than set into the wall, compare to the columns of Step Pyramid of King Djoser. This temple was cut into the mountain and consisted of three large courts on ascending levels towards the base of the cliffs, linked by ramps among long colonnades. The reason that made this Hatshepsut temple became one of the monumental Egyptian buildings was it's magnificent union of architecture and nature. The ramps and colonnades perfectlly echo the shape of the cliff of the mountian.Another example, which shows the characteristic of general type of Egyptian temples, is the Temple of Amun-Mut-Khonsu at Luxor. This temple is dedicated to Amun, Mut, and Khonsu, built by Amenhotep III about 1350 B.C. It was extended and completed more than a century later. This temple was characterised by the massive pylon in the entrance, court, hall,... All these parts was ended by high walls....

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