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Frank Lloyd Write

Frank Lloyd Wright: The Pioneer of creating Greatness Through Simplicity These ideas proposed by Wright represent a half-century of ingenuity and unrivaled creativity. Wright was unquestionably an architectural genius and was years ahead of his time. The biggest obstacle which held Wright back throughout his career was the lack of technology that was present during his time. As an architect, Wright accomplished more than any other in history, with the possible exception of DaVincci or Michangelo. His philosophy of Organic Architecture showed the world that form and function could both by achieved to create a house that was both true to nature and affordable. Wrights homes, have today become monuments of greatness and distinction. Most of them serve as museums, displaying the ideas and the achievements of a lifetime of innovation. It wasn't until Wright published "The Natural House" however, that he fully was able to illustrate all of his ideas relating to housing. In the "Natural House" Wright defines the meaning of Organic Architecture and how it can be applied to creating housing which provides a closeness to nature for the occupants. Wright was undoubtedly a romantic and individualist. His feeling toward nature and self-integrity can best be shown by comparing them to those shared by Emerson and Thoreau. Wrights deep love of nature and his individualism were formed from the events, which influenced him as a child, and up until his days working for Louis Sullivan. In order to fully understand the ideas, which Wright proposed through his philosophy of Organic Architecture, one must first understand the events and influences, which led to their creation.As a child, Wrights parents always encouraged him to be a free thinker and individualist. Both of his parents were intelligent and creative people by nature. They, of all people had the greatest influence on Wright. Throughout his life they were extremely supportive of Wrights dream of...

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