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Eiffel tower

Just imagine you are standing 300 meters that is 984 ft above the ground, looking down at the beautiful city of Paris. The wind is blowing at your face and it is messing up your hair, but you do not care. You are on the top of the highest building in the center of culture, the magnificent Paris and that is all that matters. Yes, you are standing on top of Eiffel Tower. This is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about Paris, the tall, lean tower. But have you ever wonder what would a symbol of Paris be if Eiffel Tower were never built? When you think about Eiffel Tower you seem to automatically associate it with Paris but that was not always the case. Eiffel Tower, consider by many as a miracle of the world, is a magnificent creation of the 19th century European architecture that has become a characteristic symbol of Paris. Undoubtedly, Eiffel Tower is one of the greatest monuments of the world. It was built for the 1889 International Exposition and was created to mark the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution While the Eiffel Tower has welcomed 32,250,297 people to L'exposition de Paris, Parisians did not welcome the tower at first. Many famous artists and writers protested against the construction of the tower claiming that it will change the image of Paris and will put other monuments in shade. Also, many felt that it was dangerous because of its height it might fall, ugly, and did not reflect their city's culture. In an attempt to appease the opponents, the space between the tower's four legs is filled in by ornate arches. In spite of their appearance, these massive spans serve no practical function. They are strictly ornamental and do not help support the structure, which was the first object built to withstand the forces of the wind as well as gravity. Only now, more than one hundred years later, can we see the tower in context. It has aged gracefully and no longer stands in contrast to the orna...

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