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Pakistan separated from its British Rule in 1947, after separation the country was divided into two sections east and west. Pakistan borders on the Arabian Sea between India and Iran on the west. Pakistans total land mass is an area of 796,095 sq km. Pakistan consists of fertile plains, hot deserts, valleys, snow clad mountains, almost sky touching peaks and over 1000 km of coastline. Such a diverse range of physical features has created a very broad base of differences between various regions in Pakistan. There are at present 32 distinct languages spoken in Pakistan. Pakistan is a low-income country, with great promise for growth. Unfortunately, it has been held back from reaching middle-income status by chronic problems like a rapidly growing population, sizable government deficits, and a heavy dependence on foreign aid, recurrent governmental instability and large military expenditures. At current estimates the population of Pakistan is approximately 144 million. It is presently ranked the fifth most populous nation in the world, according to United Nations estimates. This over-population is having some devastating effects on every aspect of its infrastructure. Massive unemployment, inadequate housing, religious conflict, to increased mortality rates are just some of the issues that are plaguing Pakistan. This paper will examine these issues at greater depth.Pakistan has a current infrastructure that is able to carry approximately 40 million people. This means that it is only able support twenty seven percent of its current population. Sixty nine percent of its citizens do not have access to running water, or sewage facilities, and current illiteracy rates are at sixty seven percent. A huge majority of the population does not have access to safe clean drinking water. Water pollution from untreated sewage, industrial wastes, and agricultural runoff from insecticides are issues that must be addressed as soon as possible, in or...

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