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Discipline As Folklore

There is no need to argue whether discipline has a role in society. The types, severity, and appropriateness are debatable, but it surely serves a purpose. This applies on a global scale, with groups such as NATO and the UN, all the way down to individual households. The family unit acts as a training camp for upcoming members of a community by teaching children what is expected of them through example and discipline. Though the methodology varies from household-to-household, culture-to-culture, place-to-place; we all have had to answer to authority at some point or another. The methods and lessons passed from generation to generation are preserved in the retelling of our own experiences to one another. These stories can also serve as a badge of honor; proof that we have survived the storm and are worthy members of society.An inspection of the interview answers reveals variation between the types of punishment that disciplinarians, mostly parents, chose to use. Though not well reflected in the transcript, those who were disciplined harshly, with one exception, express that they afford their parents less propriety and do not see themselves emulating the approach of their elders. [Appendix B] It is interesting to note, however; that the offenses themselves tend to be similar. Five of the eight recorded responses list lying as a punishable offense. Disrespect or getting in taboo situations seems to be a common thread as well. The majority of respondents' share views about the intentions behind their parents' actions, more specifically, they recognize that discipline is a means for parents to "teach me what they considered the right way to act - based on their moral and religious beliefs." [Appendix A: What do you think were the motives behind their actions? #2]While collecting the data, I was surprised to see how eager people were to share such private aspects of their lives. I handed out interview questions to some friends in the librar...

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