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Culture is something that is very stable but it is still something that is subject to There are different causes to change including accidents or the unexpectedoutcome of events that are already in existence. Sometimes it is also the attempt to solvea perceived problem. Change can also be forced upon a group through intense contactbetween two societies. Adaption and progress are both consequences and not causes ofchange.The ultimate source of all change is innovation. This is any new practice, tool, orprinciple that gains widespread acceptance within a group. A primary innovation is achange that involve the chance discovery of a new principle. A secondary innovationresults from the deliberate application of known principles. A great example of primaryinnovation is the firing of clay which makes it permanently hard. Modeling the clay to befired by known techniques into familiar objects. Primary stimulate other inventions andmay prompt rapid cultural change.Diffusion is known as the borrowing of cultural elements from one society bymembers of another. Borrowing is so common that the North American anthropologistRalph Linton suggested that as much as 90% of a culture is accounted for by borrowing. The Pilgrims that settled in New Plymouth might have starved to death if it wasnt for theIndian Squanto which showed them how to grow crops. There is a creativeness behindthe borrowing, picking and choosing from multiple possibilities. Most of these choicesare made to be compatible with the already existing culture.Cultural loss has to do with the abandonment of some trait or practice with orwithout replacement. People think of change as an accumulation of innovations: addingnew things to those that are already there. When reflected upon you come up with theconclusion that the existence of a new innovation leads to the loss of an older one. Thisin not only a feature of Western Civilization. In biblical times chariots and carts...

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