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Cultural Activism

In our society we have the convenience of technology--computers, television (the media, film, and video), and other means of communication with the general public. Our society has developed ways to convey ideas and beliefs through the use of technology. In other parts of the world, there are still some societies that are not aware of this technology that our society embraces. However, the growth of technology will soon reach and combine with "traditional" cultural societies. In Faye Ginsburg's article "From Little Things, Big Things Grow", she argues "that these latest products of indigenous expressive culture are part of self-conscious efforts to sustain and transform culture in aboriginal communities, an activity that is linked to indigenous efforts for rights to self-representation, governance, and cultural autonomy after centuries of colonial assimilationist policies by surrounding states". It is important for a culture to sustain its beliefs and not to completely be assimilated into Western culture. However, by the use of the media, we as a society are able to better understand those of different cultural backgrounds and are able to see what other cultures, besides our own, are like.Ginsburg also states, "I suggest that indigenous media work is significant not simply as a transformation of Western technologies, but also as a new form of collective self-production that is being used self-consciously by indigenous producers to mediate historical ruptures within their own cultures and to assert the presence and concerns of First Nations peoples in the broader societies that encompass them". By introducing media technology to other cultures, those cultures, in turn, are able to use the technology and fuse it in with their "traditional" beliefs. Also, these cultures are able to bring forth issues that occurring in their societies that need to be addressed and made known to others. Technology makes for better communicati...

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