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Cannibalism in Neanderthals Some scientists have arguably stated that Neanderthals had the tendency to be cannibalistic. Bones of Neanderthals have been found that appeared to be cut like animal bones, but it was hard to determine if the cuts had been from other Neanderthals or just animals chewing on the bones. (Sarvis, 1997)There is logical evidence for cannibalism from cut marks on prehistoric bones, but without more evidence no one truly knows whether our ancestors were truly cannibalistic. On September 30, 1999, the first real proof that cannibalism in Neanderthals existed was published. This evidence was discovered in a limestone cave in Frances Ardeche region, where 78 pieces of broken bone from at least six Neanderthal cannibalism victims were found. The Neanderthals had killed their own kind, then smashed open their bones and skulls to get at the marrow and brains inside, and then discarded the broken bones with other animal remains. In two of the younger individuals, the jaw muscle was cut from their skulls. The question arose: How does one know that the bones were not cut for some bizarre burial ritual?. The bones found in the French cave were unmistakably the result of cannibalism. Marks identical to the Neanderthal bones were found on deer bones, and remains of the animals and the primitive people were randomly discarded together around the cave. (Neergaard, 1999)Inside the cave, the Neanderthal bone fragments were scattered through the cave, mingled with deer bone. If the deer were butchered for food, the Neanderthals almost certainly were too. These findings give researchers a better social picture of Neanderthals. Claims that Neanderthals practiced cannibalism are not new. (Chang, 1999) The Neanderthal bone fragments were scattered around inside the cave, mixed up with pieces of deer bones and bones from other game that they hunted. Animal bones suggest game was not a problem. They may have eaten en...

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