Black Soldiers in the Civil War During the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and part of the Nineteenth Century the White people of North America used the Black people of Africa as slaves to benefit their interests. Whitepeople created a climate of superiority of their race over the BlackAfrican race that in some places, still lingers on today. TheAmerican Civil War however, was a key turning point for theBlack African race. Through their actions and the political actionsof President Lincoln and his administration, Black Africans set apresedent for their freedom, equality and liberation. A very important aspect of Blacks proving themselves wasthat of the Black Man acting as a soldier in the Civil War. Duringthe Civil War the official decision to use Blacks as soldiers in theUnion Army was a slow gradual process and a series of strategicpolitical decisions. The actual use of Blacks as soldiers in theUnion Army was completed by a series of actions the Black Manperformed that won him the respect of becoming a soldier. Thetwo differ in that it was to President Lincoln's benefit to enlistBlacks as soldiers when he did. Whereas the later was the BlackMan's will to fight for his freedom and prove himself as an equalhuman being. However, because the Black population was barredfrom entering the army under a 1792 law(4) the Black Manbecoming a soldier was not officially recognized until late 1862. "There was strong anti-Black prejudice among most peoplein the free states, and in the loyal slave states the idea of arming the Black man was anthema"(1). This statement directly reflects thegenerally held fear White people had about putting Blacks on thefighting line of the armies in the Civil War. Whites felt that theCivil War was a war started upon the White Man's issues and whatpossible reason would the Black Man have for wanting to fight inthis war. On the contrary The Black Man saw The Civil War as anopportunity to win ...